"Baby, it's cold outside...", as most of you know I live in Toronto, Canada. Being a true born & raised Canadian that I am you would think that I would be used to this weather....ha! ha! NO not really. But there are a few things that make the cold a bit more bearable...lattes, hot chocolates, leg warmers, scarves, oh the list can go on:) Not only is a cold front within my city limits but I'm also a January baby. Which means that my birthdays are usually spent indoors (except for those few times I've escaped to the beach), and so it is that this year I haven't yet made any plans but will admit that I've been dreaming of going to Paris. Being that I am a flight attendant it is one those places that I haven't yet gone, but have the opportunity to go, just haven't had the time. To most being that I'm in the travelling business you would think it would be quite easy to just jump on a plane & go anywhere but the last thing you want to do is jump on a plane on your days off, home...sweet home & your own bed is where its at because "baby, it's cold outside."

P.S-guess my birthday!
Hint: Oprah, Heather Graham, & Tom Selleck all share the same day as me.
Hint#2: I'm an Aquarius.
(photo credits: legwarmers-american apparel, scraf by Yokoo on etsy.com: she has the nicest knit wear & inspires me when I knit, snow pic from my collection)
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