Is there anything that Karl Lagerfeld does not design? Well, now you can add coins. Yup he's back from the mint where he designed a 125th anniversary Chanel coin to commemorate her birth. The limited edition collection features a portrait of the late Gabrielle Chanel on one side and the number 5 which signifies not only the value of the coin but the classic perfume. Two versions will be available, gold and silver. Only 99 gold coins will be produced at a price tag of 5,900 euros (of which are sold already) and 11,000 silver coins at cost of 45 euros. Coins are available December 1st. Like Lagerfeld says, "there might be less of it, but money can still be beautiful" and “I like money to be spent, not kept." If I was bringing in coins like Lagerfeld, I too would like to spend like it was going out of fashion:)

Ohhh, I hope I can snap up that 5 euro coin...