April 22, 2013

Live Clean {Baby}: a green giveaway

Happy Earth Day!! If you haven't started to contribute to a Green Earth it's never to late to start. Start by using eco-friendly beauty and body care products. Old products laying around? Find alternative ways to use them, here's a past post to help you get started.
One brand that I love and use continuously is Live Clean; from their haircare to their baby line. The latter not even having a baby in the household (not yet atleast).
Live Clean uses only plant sourced or non-petrochemical based ingredients which are renewable and sustainable so they don't deplete our natural resources. Live Clean respects the earth and does everything it can to make the lightest possible footprint. (live-clean.com)
In honour of Earth Day, here's a Green treat for my readers. Win a prize pack valued at over $50 courtesy of Live Clean Baby. The collection is obviously targeted for babies but I've used a few of the products because (1) love the scent (2) gentle enough for baby, gentle enough for me!

Must be resident of Canada
One prize pack consists of:

Live Clean (baby) Collection:
  • Live Clean (baby) Baby Powder (can also be used prior to waxing)
  • Live Clean (baby) Creamy Head to Toe Wash (awesome for adults too)
  • Live Clean (baby) Baby Wipes (as makeup remover)
  • Live Clean (baby) Foaming Wash (hand wash)
  • Live Clean (baby) & mommy Bath & Massage Oil (moisturize dry areas, not just for baby)
Live Clean (baby) Soothing Relief Collection:
  • Live Clean (baby) Soothing Relief Foaming Wash
  • Live Clean (baby) Soothing Relief Baby Wipes
deadline to enter:
April 29, 2013
enter using the Rafflecopter widget below!

more info live clean

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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