March 06, 2016

Diaper Baby Balms: Made in Canada

Since having my son I've become a little more concerned with what I buy and put on his skin. I prefer buying "green" bodycare products for him. Mainly because he occasionally suffers with eczema. It's become more manageable as he's getting older and sometimes I have to revert to using prescription medications or other more mainstream creams.
Read my popular post on "My Son's Eczema Routine" 
Since starting my own etsy shop, Ele & Ela, I've met other amazing local vendors who make amazing "green" beauty products. There are so many great natural products being made locally here in Canada that it amazes me. Small batches made with organic ingredients and no fillers or chemicals. And the best part they actually work! A few of these baby diaper balms I have already reviewed.

Here are my favourite tried and tested baby balms. Some are specifically made for diaper rashes and others are multi-purpose.

  1. Ella's Botanical Bottoms Up! Balm: 100% natural made with olive oil infused with herbs, shea butter, Ontario beeswax, lavender essential oil. Not just for bums! Can be used on other dry spots. Love the light scent of lavender! Owner Ella also conducts local workshops. Check out her site for more info. $16
  2. Navy Bean Handmade Apothecary Bum Bum Balm: virgin coconut oil, unrefined beeswax, calendula oil, vitamin E, and many more natural ingredients. Made in small batches and sold in local healthcare stores! $6 for 2oz. or $14 for 4oz.
  3. TVAL Bella Bum Balm: olive oil, aloe vera, glycerine, beeswax, and vitamin E. Although I love essential oils I love that this balm doesn't contain any as I can use this on my son's chapped lips and around his eyes. Perfect for dry spots. Very lightly scent of beeswax great for those sensitive to smell. $10
  4. Bee's Knees Bodyworks Oh Baby Soothing Salve: this contains so many great ingredients. Here are just a few of the goodness in this salve; Zinc Oxide, lanolin, and St. John's Wort Oil. Unlike the above balms this one contains zinc oxide which is fantastic for diaper rashes. $10.94
  5. Sleepy Owl Bottom Balm: shea butter, lavender oil, blue chamomile essential oil and more. Again here's another balm that contains zinc oxide perfect for diaper rashes. This one does have a stronger natural smell than the other balms but a pleasant scent. $14
  6. Eva Therese Studios Love My Body Butter: I have raved about this amazing body balm before. It's a multi-purpose product that can be used on the whole body but amazing on baby bums too. Contains all oganic ingredients; cocoa butter, coconut oil, shea butter, avocado butter, and argan oil that's it! $25
Made locally, made in small batches with organic ingredients, but most importantly made with love by moms.

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